The virtual Tour of the International Quran Fair was Lunched

The virtual Tour of the International Quran Fair was Lunched
The virtual tour of the International Quran Fair was launched at the same time as the 30th International Quran Exhibition.

Tehran: International Holy Quran Fair; 30th International Fair of the Holy Qur'an is open to the public from 1 to 15 April (corresponding to 10th to 24th of Ramadan) in different sections of the Imam Khomeini Mosalla. Now, simultaneously with the holding of the 30th International Exhibition of the Holy Quran, a virtual visit to the 30th International Exhibition of the Holy Quran was made possible.

Different parts of the exhibition are designed with the main axis of the family and its different parts are completely audience-oriented. Those interested can visit for a virtual viewing of the Quran exhibition.

30th edition of the International Holy Quran Fair will be held from April 1 to 15 with the slogan "I call you" in Imam Khomeini's Mosalla in Tehran. The visiting time of this exhibition will be from 17:00 to 24:00, except for Qadr nights.

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Friday Apr 14, 2023
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The virtual Tour of the International Quran Fair was Lunched

The virtual Tour of the International Quran Fair was Lunched
The virtual tour of the International Quran Fair was launched at the same time as the 30th International Quran Exhibition.

Tehran: International Holy Quran Fair; 30th International Fair of the Holy Qur'an is open to the public from 1 to 15 April (corresponding to 10th to 24th of Ramadan) in different sections of the Imam Khomeini Mosalla. Now, simultaneously with the holding of the 30th International Exhibition of the Holy Quran, a virtual visit to the 30th International Exhibition of the Holy Quran was made possible.

Different parts of the exhibition are designed with the main axis of the family and its different parts are completely audience-oriented. Those interested can visit for a virtual viewing of the Quran exhibition.

30th edition of the International Holy Quran Fair will be held from April 1 to 15 with the slogan "I call you" in Imam Khomeini's Mosalla in Tehran. The visiting time of this exhibition will be from 17:00 to 24:00, except for Qadr nights.

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Apr 14, 2023 16:38

A metaphorical study of the Noble Qur’an

About the 30th International Holy Quran Fair
"I call you"
This is the slogan of the 30th international Holy Quranm Fair, which is open to the public from 1st to 15th April 2023 (corresponding to 10th to 24th of Ramadan) in different sections of the Imam Khomeini Mosalla.

Contact Us

Support phone: 02161905
Answering hours: 8 to 12
Fair Visiting Hours: 17:00 to 24:00
Address: Imam Khomeini (RA) Mosalla
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