Inviting Foreign Guests, Gave more Effect to the International Section of the Exhibition

Inviting Foreign Guests, Gave more Effect to the International Section of the Exhibition
The head of the Organization of Islamic Culture and Communication said: The international section should be one of the serious sections of the Quran fair. In these years, we could not emphasize the international sector as we should. This year was the first year that we gave a little more effect to the international section of the fair by inviting foreign guests.

Tehran: International Holy Quran Fair; Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour, the head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, in a conversation with the reporter of the 30th International Holy Quran Fair and on the sidelines of visiting the Quranic activities, said: the international section should be one of the serious parts of the Quran fair. In these years, we could not emphasize the international sector as we should. This year was the first year that we gave a little more effect to the international section of the fair by inviting foreign guests.

He continued: I think it was a good foundation and a sapling has been planted that will become a strong tree in the coming years. This will be possible with more invitations from the Quranic and cultural officials of Islamic countries, increasing the number of pavilion and more content for the and arranging better visits.
The head of the Culture and Communication Organization continued: A number of visitors complained that the international section was located in the upper part of the Quran fair because it was not a very busy place. Also, we should have a more serious invitation from the elites and Quranic artists of the international field to give a better effect to the fair.

Hujjat al-Islam Imanipour, referring to Quds Day, said: If we name two key elements in Islamic unity, the Quran and the issue of Jerusalem and Quds are among the most important of them. It includes one in the epistemological field and the other in the social field. If we can properly cultivate these two issues and make them known to the society, a positive step has definitely been taken towards the formation of the Islamic nation.

He continued: when the Islamic Ummah is formed in its true form, the ideal of the second step of the revolution, i.e. the new Islamic civilization, will be realized. Therefore, dealing with the Quran should be one of the principles of cultural activities abroad, and we must quickly compensate for the shortcomings in this area.

The head of the Culture and Communication Organization request news agencies and media and governmental and non-governmental sectors to prepare for the production of attractive content and said: today, the virtual space is a space full of audiences and we must produce suitable content for this space. Unfortunately, the content that is produced sometimes does not have international content, and the production that has an international approach sometimes does not have enough richness. If rich content is produced in different languages, we can definitely make a large audience in the Islamic world align with us.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
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The Head of the Organization of Islamic Culture and Communication:

Inviting Foreign Guests, Gave more Effect to the International Section of the Exhibition

Inviting Foreign Guests, Gave more Effect to the International Section of the Exhibition
The head of the Organization of Islamic Culture and Communication said: The international section should be one of the serious sections of the Quran fair. In these years, we could not emphasize the international sector as we should. This year was the first year that we gave a little more effect to the international section of the fair by inviting foreign guests.

Tehran: International Holy Quran Fair; Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour, the head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, in a conversation with the reporter of the 30th International Holy Quran Fair and on the sidelines of visiting the Quranic activities, said: the international section should be one of the serious parts of the Quran fair. In these years, we could not emphasize the international sector as we should. This year was the first year that we gave a little more effect to the international section of the fair by inviting foreign guests.

He continued: I think it was a good foundation and a sapling has been planted that will become a strong tree in the coming years. This will be possible with more invitations from the Quranic and cultural officials of Islamic countries, increasing the number of pavilion and more content for the and arranging better visits.
The head of the Culture and Communication Organization continued: A number of visitors complained that the international section was located in the upper part of the Quran fair because it was not a very busy place. Also, we should have a more serious invitation from the elites and Quranic artists of the international field to give a better effect to the fair.

Hujjat al-Islam Imanipour, referring to Quds Day, said: If we name two key elements in Islamic unity, the Quran and the issue of Jerusalem and Quds are among the most important of them. It includes one in the epistemological field and the other in the social field. If we can properly cultivate these two issues and make them known to the society, a positive step has definitely been taken towards the formation of the Islamic nation.

He continued: when the Islamic Ummah is formed in its true form, the ideal of the second step of the revolution, i.e. the new Islamic civilization, will be realized. Therefore, dealing with the Quran should be one of the principles of cultural activities abroad, and we must quickly compensate for the shortcomings in this area.

The head of the Culture and Communication Organization request news agencies and media and governmental and non-governmental sectors to prepare for the production of attractive content and said: today, the virtual space is a space full of audiences and we must produce suitable content for this space. Unfortunately, the content that is produced sometimes does not have international content, and the production that has an international approach sometimes does not have enough richness. If rich content is produced in different languages, we can definitely make a large audience in the Islamic world align with us.

Apr 14, 2023 22:39

A metaphorical study of the Noble Qur’an

About the 30th International Holy Quran Fair
"I call you"
This is the slogan of the 30th international Holy Quranm Fair, which is open to the public from 1st to 15th April 2023 (corresponding to 10th to 24th of Ramadan) in different sections of the Imam Khomeini Mosalla.

Contact Us

Support phone: 02161905
Answering hours: 8 to 12
Fair Visiting Hours: 17:00 to 24:00
Address: Imam Khomeini (RA) Mosalla
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